How virtual assistants help business owners

In-house vs outsource: How virtual assistants make a difference

In modern business, adaptability is key. Amidst the changing trends, virtual assistants have surfaced as the new norm. They are reshaping traditional systems and offering innovative solutions to contemporary challenges.

Recently there has been a notable surge in hiring remote VAs through U.S.-based agencies, marking a shocking 41 percent increase in 2020 alone. 

US Businesses & Virtual Assistants

As companies navigated uncertainties and sought skill sets to fill vacancies and support executive teams, the demand for VAs steadily increased. According to research director Alexia Cambon, employees prefer the flexibility and inclusivity of hybrid work models.

This suggests a sustained demand for remote VAs. Businesses are now carefully weighing their options. While traditional office settings may hold a nostalgic appeal, the evidence points towards the value and efficiency of remote virtual assistants in increasing productivity and well-being in the modern workplace.

This blog discusses the pros and cons of in-house employees and outsourced staff. However, you will notice that virtual staffing benefits outweigh the cons easily. 

The Appeal of In-House Employees

Choosing in-house employees seems to be the natural choice. They’re right there, part of the daily hustle. You see them, talk to them, and can guide their work directly. Plus, they get a real feel for your company’s culture and workflow. 

Isn’t it all about control and familiarity? Having them in-house means you can easily track their progress and fix any hiccups as they happen. But, 50% of the US workforce is predicted to be virtual by 2028. It makes one reconsider any business’s stance against outsourcing. 

In-house vs Outsourced Staff


In-House Staff Outsourced Staff
Complete control over salary and schedule. More options to choose the best candidate for the job.
Easy negotiation of compensation and timetables. Cost-effective solution.

Pay for the work completed without additional taxes or benefits.

Opportunity to exercise leadership and mentorship. Reduced distractions and increased productivity.
Immediate availability for face-to-face interactions and feedback. Flexibility to deploy staff across multiple locations.
Enhanced sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Tap into global talent which brings innovation to the team.



In-House Staff Outsourced Staff
Higher operational expenses due to office-related overheads. Communication challenges arise from dispersed work locations.
Limited access to talent outside your local vicinity. Difficulty in monitoring remote work progress and quality.
The requirement for physical presence limits remote work flexibility. Potential misalignment with organizational culture and values.
Elevated potential for workplace conflicts and disputes. Limited opportunities for spontaneous collaboration and ideation.
Decreased productivity due to office-based distractions. Concerns regarding remote data security and confidentiality.


Now that we’ve listed the differences between in-house and virtual teams, let us individually see why businesses are quickly incorporating virtual staff into their systems. 

Cost Effective

Outsourcing tasks to virtual assistants has multiple benefits. The primary one is that it is cost-friendly.Unlike in-house employees, virtual assistants don’t come with the hefty overhead costs of payroll, benefits, and office space. You simply pay for the services rendered.

VAs often charge hourly rates. This allows flexibility in budgeting and workload. Plus, if you hire from offshore locations, the cost savings can be even greater due to lower living expenses. This approach helps cut expenses, making it an attractive option for companies looking to optimize efficiency and reduce costs. 

With virtual assistants, you get the support you need without the burden of long-term commitments or hidden expenses. 80% of US-based companies report increased cost savings due to outsourcing. It’s a smart move that leads to increased productivity and improved financial stability for your business.

Wider Talent Pool

The benefits of hiring virtual assistants include acquiring access to a world of diverse talent that might not be available locally. Unlike relying solely on in-house capabilities, outsourcing allows businesses to tap into a global pool of skilled professionals and experts.

This diversity enriches teams with perspectives, experiences, and expertise, encouraging innovation and creativity. For instance, when outsourcing customer service, companies can access trusted advisors with specialized skills in problem-solving and empathy, enhancing customer relations. 

This shift towards virtual outsourcing reflects a broader trend among US businesses. It has brought recognition to the value a diverse team brings in achieving success. The trends reflect that too. According to reports, 67% of business owners hired at least one virtual assistant since 2021.

With outsourcing partners, like Virtual Mojoe, which offer virtual assistants for hire, businesses can harness the collective knowledge and experience of professionals from various fields. It gives businesses a competitive edge. This ensures exceptional performance and customer satisfaction across the board.

Increased Scalability

Many businesses are interested in how to hire a virtual assistant to allow scalability. Outsourcing offers ways for business expansion and scalability with minimal overhead costs and administrative complications.  With full-time employees, there is a burden of recruitment and training.

So, why not hire agencies to handle administrative tasks and customer service? We allow businesses to focus on reaching wider audiences and exploring new sectors. This approach ensures flexibility and adaptability, allowing you to manage fluctuations in demand effortlessly.

With outsourcing, there’s no need to worry about office space or staffing constraints. US businesses are embracing the benefits of virtual outsourcing. They are leveraging external resources to support growth and enhance productivity.

By partnering with outsourcers, businesses can adjust their services to meet evolving needs, ensuring sustainable expansion and success in today’s competitive landscape.


The rise of virtual assistants marks a transformative shift in modern business dynamics. As companies adapt to evolving trends, the benefits of outsourcing become increasingly apparent.

With cost-effectiveness at the forefront, outsourcing tasks to virtual assistants offer a strategic advantage, enabling businesses to optimize efficiency and reduce expenses. Moreover, tapping into a global talent pool brings diverse perspectives and specialized expertise, encouraging innovation and creativity. 

The increasing demand for virtual staffing reflects a shifting trend among US businesses. This trend recognizes the value of a diverse and flexible workforce in achieving long-term objectives. 

Embracing outsourcing partners like Virtual Mojoe empowers businesses to leverage collective knowledge and experience, ensuring exceptional performance and sustained growth in today’s competitive market.

Hafsa Arif

Hafsa Arif is a linguistics student and a versatile content writer. She began her writing career by contributing to various university platforms, including theater, short story writing, and journalism. She has also worked professionally in web, marketing, business, fashion, and e-marketing content creation. Her focus areas include creating engaging and impactful content across diverse genres and mediums.

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